Stage Combat Showcase: The three-part plan
Phase 1: Determine level of interest
Is there an audience for a showcase demonstrating stage combat? To answer that question, Richard Buswell used his personal savings to put on a community theatre-level production for the 2007 Kansas City Fringe Festival as a proof of concept. The results indicated that "if you build it, they will come."Status: Complete
Result: Success!
Phase 2: Determine profitability
Can a professional production of a stage combat showcase earn enough revenue to be worth the effort? To make that determination, a limited tour of the production is currently underway. The latest obstacle to the showcase is obtaining the funding necessary to make it happen. There are two approaches for this:- Find investors and/or corporate sponsors to provide the necessary start-up funds, put on the show and create a DVD of the experience, or
- Create a DVD version of the show to generate interest in producing a live version.
Status: Underway
Result: Unknown
Phase 3: Create an ongoing tour
Assuming the limited tour is profitable, create an ongoing international tour of the production to entertain and educate the world regarding the exciting art of stage combat.Status: Future Development
Result: Unknown
Creating the DVD
Currently we are seeking funding (approximately $60,000) for a feature-length video version of our second stage combat showcase ...and they fight again! - "An epic presentation of Life's comedic, dramatic, heroic, historic, and romantic approach to conflict.".
The purpose of the DVD is to allow people to see what the showcase is all about and to generate enough buzz to gain public support for the live stage version of the project. If you would like to contribute to the creation of this DVD, visit our project listing on For more details regarding the actual showcase, read on.
The Live Limited Tour
Eventually we need to raise $6,076,468.73 for the live stage version of ...and they fight again!
...and they fight again! is a two-hour multimedia presentation (live action and video) of scenes involving fighting styles from different cultures, different time periods, stunts for film and stage, using weapons to create rhythms, painted weapons with glo-paint and black light to show movement patterns, fights as dance, fights to create character and develop plot lines, fights with a variety of creative weapons, slapstick, comedy, and more.
It's a slicker, more professional version of the original show, with added scenes and higher production values. It's theatre for the masses, that appeals to an audience that normally considers theatre as "too boring." It utilizes paid cast, crew and administrative personnel (that's 60 new job opportunities). It promotes arts and tourism in Kansas City as well as theatre across the country.
The show will travel to 16 cities across the United States (estimated population exposure: 50,000,000)
We have a business plan for the production detailing the research and expense breakdown for the show.
If you want to be part of the production, send us a resume for your area of interest. Once we have the startup funds, we will be hiring staff and auditioning performers.
If you want to help make this show a reality, then let us know which method of fundraising listed below you would like to be involved with.
We are looking for:
§ Individual investors - for every $600.00 invested each investor will receive 4 profit-sharing points. The total number of points available to investors will allow them to own up to 41.74% of the total show. Investors will be repaid after expenses and loans. In the case of a loss, investors will be reimbursed up to the amount of their individual investment, after which any remaining funds will be paid to corporate sponsors.
§ Corporate Sponsors - Corporations investing a minimum of $1,600,000.00 will have their names and logos included on all marketing for the show (estimated value: $2,129,370.19 ), including television, radio, newspaper, internet, and programs. Their logos will also be prominently displayed on merchandising for the production. The corporation can apply its contribution to its own advertising budget receiving the same level of advertising as the showcase at a reduced cost. Corporations investing less than the minimum will have their names and ads included in the programs. Corporate sponsors investing at least $825,000.00 will be allowed to place their marketing materials in the lobby and sell their products (if appropriate) in conjunction with the show's merchandise. All corporate sponsors will be paid back (after individual investors) up to the amount of their contribution. Corporate sponsors will not receive any profit shares. There is a high probability the corporation will be fully reimbursed for the expense, making the advertising free.
§ Advertising sales - Companies wishing to advertise will receive an advertisement in the program. There are two tiers of advertising:
- Full tour advertising (Cost: $11,200.00 ) - which will reach consumers across the country, and
- Local advertising (Cost: $700.00 ) - which will only appear in the programs for each individual region.
§ Grants - Grant applications will be submitted to fund the show. Grant money will be earmarked for all show costs and will not be reimbursed.
§ Donations - Individual donations will be accepted and donors will be credited in the program. Because the company is a for-profit entity, donations are not tax deductible.
§ Fundraisers - There are no plans for fundraisers at this time, however if the opportunity presents itself any money generated will be applied to the costs of production. This money will not be reimbursed.